Monday, January 09, 2006

Elections are coming up- VOTE

I am not going to tell you who to vote for. I just think it is essential to vote. Here is why. (sort of going to go over some of the arguments people give to not voting).

argument 1-there is no time.- The polls open early, close fairly late, there is more than enough time to head on kunch, after work/school or if you really really can't, then you can pre vote, there is always time if you make the time.

argument 2- the 2 main parties are essentially the same- well often this is true but in this election they all have a wide array of ideas and visions which are interesting. And even if they are the same, there are fringe parties that have drastic ideas such as teh communist party and the christian heritgae party and tehse parties often get funding based on how many votes they get.

argument 3- I don't know the candidates- You have 2 weeks to get some idea of what each is all about- more than enough time to make a good decision- this is why I am posting this now.

Basically what it comes down to is this. No our system is not perfect and needs some changes, but the only way to change it is to let yourself be heard, not only by voting, but by letting all your elected officials know that change is good!!!


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