Thursday, January 12, 2006


Even spoiling your ballot is exercising your democratic right.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just posting as Anonymous so you can't harass me! :)

Reasons why I'm not voting:

1) One vote won't make a difference. Plain and simple. Show me a recent municipal, provincial or federal election where one vote would have changed EVERYTHING. And yes, I know the argument "What if everyone was thinking the same thing and didn't vote?". The truth is, my voting or not voting will not affect the decision to vote of another individual.

2) If the old government lied before, why would they do anything different the next time. What's stopping the next government from not keeping their promises? They're just shuffling the garbage around.

3) The Liberal and Conservative leaders (perhaps the others too, I don't know/care) are behaving like elementary school kids in their ads and their speeches. It's hard to take them as serious adults when they're constantly running smear campaigns against one another. It's a joke. Perhaps having the leaders act this way is what's lead me to skip over any and all political articles in the newspaper every day.

4) I know absolutely nothing about any of the candidates and their campaigns, and frankly, I couldn't care less.

5) As much as some people don't want to admit it, your life isn't going to change drastically whether one party wins or another one does. Every day you'll still get up, go to work, come home and go to bed.

6) One of the candidates in my riding has been the run-away winner for quite a while now and I don't see that changing any time soon. He doesn't need my support, and it's a lost cause if I vote for the others.

Anyone care to comment? Anyone want to try to convince me otherwise?

1:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And by the way- 3 elections in canadian history have actually been ties- not even one vote difference

1:38 PM  

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