Sunday, February 26, 2006

I have a fever-and the only prescription is more cowbell

Recording.woot woot woot.

Well after some setbacks and not getting in recording before teh break, I got in friday and saturday and have thus far finished 8/10 tracks, only 2 more to get done, hopefully I can finish that up tonight. I think this album is going to be a lot of fun. VERY different from teh first one, whioch will be interesting as well to contrast the 2 of them. Good times. I hope to see you all at the CD release, although most of you who read this are probably in the band or out of the province, meh.

Euthanasia- A slight turn from recording. I have the moral dilemna going on in my mind right now of what I think of euthanasia and I need to sort out all of the arguments before wednesday so i can write a good test.

Here's my main dilemna in my mind right now

Euthanasia does give each person control over their lives, potentially enriching the life they had without having to endure pain and suffering on the end.
But, euthanasia could be seen as compromising the sanctity of life, and also euthanasia can be seen as a very selfish act. that selfishness may not necessarily be a bad thing except that lots of humanities problems have come from selfishness, such as poverty and war....... So.....let the war of morals rage on in my brain.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the band or out of province? Um... none of the above!

Heh when I see euthanasia I automatically think in regards to animals. It was an interview question last summer and a coworker told us one day that for some reason she understood "youth in Asia" - heh but she got the job anyway.

My mom was sick off and on for four years and even when terminal, I never really thought about it. I thought more that this was what we were given to deal with, and that is just what we had to do.

7:06 PM  

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