Friday, September 29, 2006


I used to think I was a patient person and I am for the most part. But I am waiting on soooo many things right now in and maybe its because I am also bored that it is making it worse! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I am waiting for Paychecks
I am waiting for prospective employers to get back to me
I am waiting for autotrader to get back to me
I waited for 4 days to get my car back when it should have been 2
wait wait wait wait wait- there are other things i just don't want to list haha

What are you waiting for?

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Life List

I have pu toff making my life list for awhile. I forgot abou tit, was lazy, all sorts of bad reasons. So i am trying to make an effort to put 5 things on my life list for the next 10 days. which will bring me to 50- a great start! So hopefulyl I will actually get it done this time. I decided this today after reflecting on some of teh cool things I have done in my life and thought of cool things I want to do!!!!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

More Movies to add

Oh I also saw Click And Gridiron Gang!

I love football movies so gridiron gang was great. Not a great movie, but great for me! I have yet to find a football movie I did not enjoy.

Click was cheesy. A good one to see at teh cheapo theatres.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Movies Galore

So over the past week I have seen 3 movies. Crank, Protector and Invincible.

The best of the three for me was the Protector. Hilariously crazy with great lines and amazing fight scenes (some almost Kill Bill esque). The best Line was "You killed my Father, And stole My elephants". Heh if that is not enough to go see it, i don't know what is.

Invincible was a good cheesy football movie. If you like football movies, this is a good one. Good football action and a good feel good story,. If you do not like sports movies, don't go see this one it is not any different than any others.

Crank is just a nutty action film. If you want to see people die and things explode and hands being cut off, see it, if not, Don't.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Hockey House

So, I haven't written here in awhile......
As My first post in awhile, let me explain the house I have lived in the past 2 months.
This house was the French Hockey House, pretty self explanitory, French people that play hockey.

Now this turned out to be an interesting experience to say the least.
Firstly, it was a sty. to the extreme!!!! I mean, Flies everywhere, you wore your shoes all the time because you were not sure whether the floor has EVER been cleaned. They had a mop, the mop was dirtier than the floor. There was always a funky smell for various reasons (rotten potatoes being one of them).

Also a few of the roomates enjoyed the drink, maybe too much. Thursday nights were the night out for them to this dingy dance bar in the Market. The Cabin. Well without fail, thursday about 2 30 , drunk people (sometimes my roomates, sometimes not) would stumble home and cause some sort of scene.

One story of note is one morning at 4 am, a girl walks into my room scantily clad and asks for Mathieu..after much debate she realizes I am not Mathieu (by the way-no Mathieu lives in the house) and leaves. Craziness

Sometimes I would find random people sleeping on the couch. They might have been friends of roomates, or maybe not. Apparently there was a period of time where there was a homeless person that slept there regularly (the door is NEVER locked-i'm not sure there are keys for it)

It was also a revolving door of girls- especially for one of the roomates. A funny story was when 2 of his GF's showed up at the same time. UGLY!

More to come later perhaps-