Thursday, October 19, 2006

Random Tourist Encounter

So today at parliament we had a fire alarm which meant we all had to assemble outside and that hundreds of people who do not have security clearance needed to go back through security to enter the building, clogging the entrance for a long time.

I was outside directing traffic and telling people the situation when an elderly couple cam eup and asked to enter and asked if they could see the library. Well on top of the fact that there was now a huge line-up which was preventing them from entering the building, there was also an event in the library that would have prevented them from going in so I politely said no and gave them the options that were open to them. The wife yelled about how they were told today they could go in and the man proceeded to grab my tie, pull it out of my suit and tell me that now my tie was crooked.

Par for the course at parliament
I love it

Friday, October 06, 2006

Here goes Nothing!

So I got a job, A 3 month term at parliament in Ottawa! Could be extended eventually but 3 months to start. I am moving next wednesday, living with a friend for a few weeks until I can find a place, hopefully in november.

I am super nervous about it, starting new and all but I am pumped. I actually love teh feeling of being nervous. It's exhilerating for me.

There is lots to do before I go iuncluding seeing all of my friends and saying goodbye. I will miss you all soooo much but we will keep in toch. I suck at emailin gbut hopefully can get better! (goal:get better at emailing)

Also as soon as I get a place, there is open invititation to come visit, montreal is close, Ottawa is cool,. come say hi!


Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Thing Happen

I love days when things just happen!!!
Today Is one of those days..more on that later!