Friday, June 17, 2005

a few more little anectdotes

well today was my rotation on elevator duty. its kinda fun but i am glad we only get it once in awhile! here are a few elevator anectdotes.

1. Drunk russians this morning at 11 AM......the elevator smelled like vodka for 15 minutes after they left. haha

2. Really smelly old man, not alcohol, just old man- he went up with a full elevator but on the way down, only 3 other epople would come with him.

3. Turning the lights off on bratty grade 8's= awesome!! especcially right after telling them the elevator doesn't break down too much.

I think when i write anectdotes, ill leave them in 3's to make them more bearable. so thats it for Now


P.S- im working on a long post about my feelings on the senate. it will be long and boring, but its stuff thats been on my mind abou tit, so ima going to do it anyways.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

kids say the darndest things- and tourists do as well

these are some of the actual things said or asked to tour guides this summer.

1. tourist " what denomination of church is this"

also close to this is " so, what is this building"

2. american tourist " i don't understand why they took away my pepper spray at security"

3. guide: "why do you think Quuen victoria chose ottawa as the capital city of Ottawa" kids ( happens quite a bit) : " because the parliament building is here.

i'll leave it a t those 3 becasue these are 3 i have heard myself in the last couple of days.


Thursday, June 09, 2005

Thing and stuff

So i made curry last week. BIGGG Success. sooo tasty and awesome! sweetness. This weekend i think i am going to attempt a lasagna!. Exciting.

CFL season is starting. Woot- also exciting.

Grade 8's are hilarious. Tuesday I had a girl very concerned becasue she thought her underwire of her bra may go off in the metal detector.

last tuesday- my pedal fell off of my bike while i was riding--a tad inebriated as well. riding home, tipsy, with one pedal= hilarious

walking home with 4 drunk guys carrying a couch about 4 km's= equally as hilarious.

I've been playing lots of ultiamte including a beach tourney. sunburns galore. WHy did noone warn me about the humidity here. wowzers. I won't rub it in to you winnipeg folk too much. but 27 and sunny with humidex of over 30 has been the norm recently.